Qualify as an accredited massage & bodywork therapist
Become the best therapist you can be with top level education in massage and bodywork
Led by our highly experienced teams of tutors our courses will give you all the skills and experience needed to start practising massage professionally.
Our courses are accredited and nationally recognised by the Massage Training Institute (MTI), a national organisation of well-established schools and tutors. We are the only college in the UK to offer courses of this accredited quality and level.​
Find out more about our certificated massage courses:

Get a taste of our courses with an introduction workshop
BCMB welcomes all beginners with fun and inspiring 2 day workshops in Holistic or Remedial & Sports Massage
Our two-day Introductory Workshops in Bristol introduce massage as a creative process and teach effective techniques. They are ideal for anyone that wants to learn some basic techniques to be able to practice on their friends and family. The workshops are also good as a taster for those considering taking a professional training course, or have applied for a course and are keen to get started sooner!
Find out more information and details of dates for our upcoming workshops: