Start your journey...
BCMB welcomes all beginners with our much loved intro workshops in Holistic or Remedial & Sports Massage
Our two-day Introductory Workshops in Bristol introduce massage as a creative process and teach effective techniques.
They are ideal for anyone that wants to learn some basic techniques to be able to practice on their friends and family. The workshops are also good as a taster for those considering taking a professional training course.
We offer small group learning and have a high student to teacher ratio of 1 tutor to 8 students.​
Find out more information and details of dates for our upcoming workshops:

What is Remedial & Sports Massage?
Remedial massage therapists use their skills in assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation, combined with knowledge of anatomy and physiology, to reduce pain, restore movement, and prevent future issues. Within this broader framework is the more specialist area of Sports Massage. This is effectively remedial massage work when used in a sports-specific environment such as in a sports injury clinic or at a sporting event providing pre/inter/post event treatment.

About BCMB
We are not a for profit organisation.
We believe in, and want to share the gifts of quality touch therapy.
We live by what we teach. Deeply respectful of all who work here and study here. There are no other colleges or centres offering the Massage Training Institute standard of Holistic Qualification.
Passionate and committed (all of us who work at BCMB go above and beyond in our roles, for the love of body work, for the sense of a collaborative and supportive team, in appreciation of all the opportunities that working at the college provides each and every one of us in our professional development.
Highly supportive of our students, doing all we can to give them boundaried and appropriate support in times of trouble to help them succeed in their vision for themselves.
We welcome all students and public to join us and learn, heal and thrive in the nurturing, inclusive and inspiring environment of Bristol College of Massage and Bodywork. Find out more about BCMB >